Introduction to U-IMCEC
An iniative of the Christian Children's Fund, supported by USAID and targeted at families of enrolled children in the target area of CCF in Senegal. (The target area has currently been enlarged to include other populations in the differents regions; the institution now includes 40 branches.)
The institution's main challenges include:
- Actively contributing to the fight against poverty
- Assuring the sustainability of the system by achieving financial independence
- Building the technical capacity of clients
- To cover all the regions
Initiative d'une ONG , le Christian Children's Fund, appuyé par l'USAID et destinée aux familles d'enfants enrolés residant dans la zone d'intervention de CCF-SENEGAL.(actuellement la cible est élargie aux populations des régions du Sénégal: l'Union compte 40 guichets.)
Defis principaux :
- Participer activememt à la lutte contre la pauvrete.
- Assurer la perennisation du systeme à travers une autonomisation financiere.
- Renforcer les capacités techniques des beneficiaires.
- Couvrir progressivement les differentes régions du Sénégal. Hide - Contribuer à améliorer les revenus et le bien-être des familles et des microentrepreneurs à travers l’accès à des services financiers permettant de créer des activités génératrices de revenus, surtout pour les femmes et les groupes démunis et vulnérable
Address Central:
Liberte 6 camp penal lot N°1
Dakar, 221
Addresse Kolda, tel. 339960008 email:
Adresse Sedhiouo 339950045 email:
Adresse Ziguinchor Tilene 339916767 email:
Adresse Bignona 33941845
Adresse Ziguinchor Grand Dakar 339917473
Saving Programs
U-IMCEC has several savings programs, for actual conditions please contact the Manager.
Mission of U-IMCEC
Efficiently promote savings, credit and investment programs, within the cooperation by offering high quality programs at a lowest cost possible
Report of World Bank
News from World bank ...Coming soon
Important Links
Sign for UMVA account
If you want an account from UIMCEC-UMVA, just click here and sign up. To finish the registration, the bank need a picture, address and ID info. As soon as the Identification is finished, the account is on line available. You can look at the balance, send and receive payments, send and receives messages, contact international users, receive intenational transfers on your account.
U-IMCEC offer for their members special training, the training comes with an electronic bank account.
The basic training is what is a computer, what is internet, what is email, what is e-banking, what is VoIP. After this training members are able to do several actions without cost, that are delivering large savings for them. They can work with a computer to call around the world for free, send emails (in stead of letters), look at their bank account, transfer money, be able to train more with distance learning. For more info please contact the administration of the bank.
UMVA UIMCEC training center
The start of the implementation for the new computerized system started with the development of a training centre. Within the project we will develop the centre and deliver laptops, projector and other equipment for the training centre.
News letter and Email
U-IMCEC will bring a quarterly newsletter for the members and subscribers to this service. By subscribing to this service you will also subscribe to other related newsletters.